Russian and Finnish specialists in hydrological monitoring conducted research on Seleznevka and Buslovka rivers. This was the second joint monitoring of the SEVIRA project organized to share knowledge. The first trip was hosted by the Finnish side this May in Lappeenranta.
Hydrologists took samples for further laboratory analysis and estimated the discharge – the volume of water flowing per unit time on the river section. This indicator is necessary to analyze the concentration of pollution in the river.
The researchers used flow meters, hydrological profilers (automatic programmed devices) and a remote installation for calculations. The latter one is installed near the Luzhayka rural settlement. An automatic hydrological complex which transmits information about the water level directly to the laboratoryis is also located there. Its DVR is solar powered.
Technologies and devices used in Russia and Finland are similar. However, in Russia specialists of Roshydromet that is a state organization are engaged in monitoring. In Finland such works are performed by business firm that has the tender.
The results of this monitoring will be presented on the website of Roshydromet. If interested, you could follow the news.